A Definite Guide to 5KW Solar System


A Definite Guide to 5KW Solar System

A solar system refers to a set of components that are used for generating power by utilizing solar energy. The system comes in different sizes and from those sizes, 5KW solar systems have become a popular choice in Australia. Value for money and high-energy yields are the major reasons that make it an ideal choice for a home of 3 to 4-personhouse.

Advantages of Installing Solar System

Installing a solar system is a great move. Improving technology as well as falling costs are the reasons that make solar a major source of electricity generation. By installing the solar system, you can reduce the power bills, increase the value of your house, improve your lifestyle, etc. Apart from these, another advantage is a solar rebate. In case you install the solar system now, you would be able to avail the benefit of a solar rebate.

Solar Panel Rebate

Solar panel rebate is an initiative of the Australian Government that is known as the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme. In 2020, the average 5KW solar system cost after solar rebate is $5,200.The rebates are claimed by the installer.

Working of Solar Rebate

Numerous factors influence the determination of solar rebates. The location of the property is also a major factor. A space having more sunshine hours helps the solar system produce more power. Therefore, in case the solar system generates more power, you would receive a higher rebate. For instance, if an individual lives in Western Australia, the rebate amount would be more in comparison to an individual living in a state receiving fewer hours of sunshine.

Another significant factor that impacts the amount of incentive is the size of solar panels. In casethe solar panel system is big, it would produce more power and attract a high government solar rebate. It is important to note that the issuance of STCs impacts the solar rebate system to a great extent. STCs stands for Small-scale Technology certificates that are issued on the basis of zones.

The Federal Government divides the postcodes of Australia into 4 zones. For instance, in case an individual lives in zone 1, he/she would get a higher rebate than the individual living in zone 2. People residing in Zone 2 would receive a higher rebate than the people staying in zone 3 and so on. Once the STCs are issued to you, you can sell them to the companies generating fossil fuels. The sale takes place in the open market. Therefore, depending on the demand for solar energy, the price could fluctuate.

Payment of Rebate

The government pays the solar rebate to the installer who passed the saving to you by selling you the system. Basically, the rebate is paid through STCs sale. When you get the solar panel system installed, you are issued with the STCs. In turn, that is paid to the installer as per the size of the system as well as the zone you reside in. Moreover, the cost of the STC depends on the demand as well as the supply factor of renewable energy. When the solar energy supply is high, the price of STC would go down.

Cost of Installing 5KW Solar System

The price of installing a 5KW solar system is included in the quoted price of a 5KW solar system. Depending on the state you reside in and the rebate you can receive is nearly $5,200 after rebate and installation. Along with this, the other influencing factor is the installation company you choose. Each company uses panels of different quality at different price points.

In case you are looking for a reputed company to get a 5KW solar system for your house, Go Solar Quotes is the right place. They would help you understand the different solar systems and make a wise choice.


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